Sleeping Beauty Fairies

"Shrek" is an extravaganza of fractured fairy tales, now playing at the La Junta High School Auditorium. It is full of surprises, fantastic Broadway costumes,coach outlet store online, costumes that really fit because Vicki Wallner made them (the dresses worn by the Fionas), costumes of all kinds,, impossible to tell whether imported or locally made, fantastic scenery and amazing singing. You won't want to miss it. Kudos to director-producer Kelly Jo Smith and all the parents and friends who obviously worked hard to stage this way-off Broadway play.One of the favorite scenes of this reviewer were all the little kids trooping onto stage as every fairy tale character you have heard of and possibly some you haven't: Hannah Gomez as Gingy (Gingerbread Man), a whiny and nose-growing Pinocchio (Weston Buhr), Three Bears, Three Little Pigs,remember Gillian Duffy and Gordon Brown, White Rabbit,"No." Zhang said.Did you ever think of the law, Fairy God Mother, Peter Pan, Wicked Witch,coach factory outlet, Sugar Plum Fairy,, Ugly Duckling,cheap toms, Mad Hatter,cheap uggs australia,I can say, Humpty Dumpty, Sleeping Beauty Fairies, Shoe Elves, etc. The dragon noises were fearsome (one baby cried) and the dragon itself was both fearsome and beautiful (assuming Broadway costume - wow!).Lord Farquaad (Henry Kelley), actually the son of Dwarf (played by Luis Carale), is trying to legitimize his claim to the throne of Duloc by marrying Princess Fiona, who is stuck in a tower (think Rapunzel). He hires Shrek (Trevor Lopkoff) to rescue Fiona. Big mistake. Fiona (Abby Wallner) and Shrek make a connection in a big farting and burping scene. In the meantime, Shrek has met and been adhered to by Donkey (Hannah Smith), whose antics keep the audience giggling.An amazing singing voice boomed from Trevor Lopkoff. When did he get so good? Abby Wallner was wonderful as always,said Solario., as was Angel Leija, who plays the Ogre Fiona (Fiona has a secret, too). Hannah Smith reprises the Eddie Murphy role as Donkey, with moves of her own. And who can resist Justin Paolucci's eye-rolls as young Shrek when his parents abandon him at the ripe age of 7. Henry Kelley seems to be making a habit of playing the dastardly villain (a very funny one in this case). Some of us were worried about his knees, but apparently he can do anything.The very best part is the encore, which came after repeated bows and standing ovation. Let that be a surprise.Children's Theatre of La Junta's "Shrek: The Musical" continues through Saturday at 7 p.m. each night. Tickets are $10 and can be reserved by calling 384-5111. The play is presented at the La Junta High School auditorium. Tickets are a hot item and we encourage you to get them early and get to the auditorium to get the best seats for a great show.

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